What is YouMatterMindset?

My Initiatives

Throughout my life, I struggled with breaking out of my shell and making friends. I feared that I wouldn’t fit in or my peers would find me weird. The only solution I could conceive was to change myself in order the fit the idealistic expectations others desired in a friend. I contorted myself so much to appease others that I lost sight of my originality. When COVID-19 came about I spiraled into a constant battle with my inner thoughts. Questioning who I really was and who I wanted to be. I decided that It was time to make a change. I began researching mental health and mindset and that is where my journey to self-improvement kickstarted. Fast forward to now, I am confident in myself and who I have become. I am proud of how much progress I have made and all the knowledge I retained along the way. Self-concept is not permanent, there are ups and downs, but a little time and reevaluation can really make one's life do a full 360. There’s no better Idea I’ve created than to use my newfound intelligence to do one of my all-time favorite things, help others. That is when I created YouMatterMindset, a website devoted to teaching others how they too can flip their mindset around. On this site, one can access multiple categories that provide in-depth explanations of topics and some solutions to help them get started. But wait! It doesn’t end there! YouMatterMindset is also creating an inspirational TikTok page with short, concise tips and motivational posts! Additionally, If wanted by the public audience, I will also be creating a blog to share some of my experiences as well as allowing others to share theirs to create a community! Last but certainly not least, YouMatterMindset has a future goal of becoming a non-profit, which will donate money to a variety of community, acceptance, and diversity-based organizations. I am filled with excitement for the future in-store and cannot wait to make my dreams of helping others become a reality.