It Starts With YOU

It all starts with YOU. You could get help from others, do a plethora of research, go to a therapist, and practice all kinds of techniques, but at the end of the day, it’s how you’re applying it to yourself. If you’re not taking the tips and advice from your resources, no changes can be made.

But how do you make that change you ask? Well, it’s as simple as embodying the person you want to become. Make a decision that you are this person and go on with your life living in this mindset. For example, I was sick and tired of not being well respected. I decided to think of the traits and mindset a well-respected person might behold and embody that person. I walked around confidently and spoke eloquently, but most importantly I affirmed in my head things that would boost this feeling. I told myself things such as “It feels so nice and refreshing to be so respected”, “everyone thinks highly of me”, “people are naturally drawn to me”, and more.

Lastly, fake it till you make it. It can sometimes be difficult to get into a headspace where you automatically believe what you are telling yourself. We were all born to think a certain way, so when you’re trying to alter that pattern your mind can go into fight or flight mode. This could be giving you intrusive thoughts saying things like “How could anyone respect me”, “No one would think highly of me”, “people are judging me”, etc. It is important to not overanalyze these thoughts. Let them pass and don’t assign a meaning to them. Just because you had a negative thought does not mean you’re progressing backward. So feel that thought and then continue to move forward, sticking to the version you are embodying.


You’re Not Alone