
Sounds, emotions, sights, memories, objects, or even people can act as triggers. Anything could be a trigger, so it’s likely you may have one without knowing. In order to identify them, you have to look deep inside yourself. Finding patterns in the things that make you feel down can be achieved by journaling every time you have an off mood. Imagine each thought as a piece of a jigsaw; the more pieces you discover, the more you can use the patterns to put the puzzle together. It's time to identify your coping techniques after you've identified your triggers. Anything that can help you relax, such as breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, viewing movies, or relaxing music, can be an aid. For instance, when I used to have panic attacks I would curl up under a blanket and watch my favorite movie to help me decompress. I also would write down every negative thought I was experiencing in my journal, followed by positive ones when I started to feel better.


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